Category: Trends

The Ice Bucket Challenge – Social Media Genius or Slacktivisim?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin pharetra dolor quis augue consequat, finibus semper enim tincidunt. Nulla vitae semper sapien. Ut condimentum mi id pharetra vulputate. Etiam in laoreet ex. Mauris sed tortor…

Packaging Success Clear As Day

Here at our Charlotte packaging design agency, we understand the value of a package. We know that its more than just a vehicle for the product, but that it’s also an opportunity to gain attention…

Shoot. Crop. Filter.

People are using it everyday to look tanner and skinner. (shameless plug) You can check out our Charlotte branding agency here at our Instagram account (@birdsonggregory) to see some wonderfully shot, cropped, filtered images of food,…

Say hello to the Mandroid – Old Spice’s newest pitchman

With a comically crude humanoid reminiscent of something the Jawas on Tatooine might have assembled, the Old Spice “Mandroid” will be popping up in a variety of channels this summer to promote what might be the first…