Category: Trends

Another online retailer gets real with brick and mortar

Birchbox, the previously online retailer that sends monthly beauty and grooming sample boxes to more than 800,000 subscribers, is opening its first store today in Manhattan. In case you’re not familiar with the service, Birchbox…

Remember when a store was a place where you just bought things?

Obviously, you can still find plenty of good old-fashioned retailers where the sum of the experience is almighty commerce. From the dusty disarray of a big box merchant’s “stack ’em high, let ’em fly” environment to the glass…

A Global Packaging Design Agency Plants a Flag in Charlotte

At birdsong gregory, we’ve known for years that Charlotte is a great location from which to find and support North American CPG clients. With a bunch of retailer and manufacturer brands already headquartered here in…

Creativity isn’t about the end product, but the process of making it.

That was our Charlotte, NC, marketing agency’s big takeaway from this fantastic new short film created by Liberatum, directed by Pablo Ganguli and Tomas Auksas, and presented by illy. Featuring 21 artists and cultural figures…