Category: Inspiration

Iconic American hardware manufacturer brand gets new look and feel

The US power tool brand Black & Decker unveiled a dramatic new look a few days ago, and the opinions among our designers and art directors span an ambivalent spectrum. Some members of our Charlotte…

Anyone Know Which Charlotte Marketing Agency Helped (Mis)name Downtown in the late 1980s?

Anyone? Because prior to the late 1980's, before a city funded Charlotte ad agency was tasked with building the Charlotte brand, it was called "Downtown." Which makes sense, since (everywhere but in Charlotte) the term…

Get back here, sister …

Our Charlotte marketing agency stumbled across these ad agency parodies of pulp novels on esteemed designer Chip Kidd's site, and wanted to share them with the rest of the Charlotte ad agency community. charlotte ad…

For All You Type Nerds Out There

I love a funky fresh ampersand, especially when letterpressed in a bright pop of color. Which is why these awesome Charter Membership Certificates from Hamilton Wood Type & Printing Museum caught my eye. These beautiful…