charlotte marketing agency

What Do Advance Reservations, New Construction, And Digital Marketing Have In Common?

HINT: They're all redundant.

Charlotte marketing agency

Findings from the Gartner 2015-2016 Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) Spend Survey clearly show that digital marketing is no longer a niche channel. According to Yvonne Genovese, Group Vice President at Gartner, “There is little doubt that digital marketing is now mainstream. Marketers no longer make a clear distinction between offline and online marketing disciplines. As customers opt for digitally led experiences, digital marketing stops being a discrete discipline and instead becomes the context for all marketing. Digital marketing is now marketing in a digital world.”

For some time now, we’ve been seeing – and advocating for – the dissolution of the these digital and non-digital silos, and all signs point to a continued acceleration of this long overdue reality.

Digital simply refers to the binary side of the tactical toolbox. Having an overarching marketing strategy that’s based on relevant content and good design is the critical element in obtaining a higher ROMI.

So in 2016, expect to see B2B and B2C brands continue to move towards an integrated marketing budget that funds a myriad of tools, tactics, and channels in order to reach and engage the target audience. This confluence that’s underway will continue to push firms to focus more on the overall strategy, brand messaging, customer experience, and other essential marketing elements – regardless of channel.

On the surface, this trend might sound preposterous; but this is less about the practices of digital marketing and more about the treatment and the term. The truth is, digital has become so mainstream and central to marketing, it no longer requires niche treatment. In fact, I feel that the very phrase digital marketing has gone the same way as international marketing – straight into obsolescence.



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