Time to Change Your Baby’s Diaper? The Huggies TweetPee Will Let You Know

Detailed on an official page created by Ogilvy Brazil, the Huggies TweetPee is a small, connected device that attaches to the front of a baby’s diaper and alerts a parent when the baby wets the diaper and needs a change. Using a small humidity sensor, the TweetPee constantly monitors humidity levels and fires off a tweet notification to a linked smartphone in case of an accident.

A few of the messages sent from the TweetPee include phrases like “Time to Change,” “Oops, Did a few drops,” and “Everything OK here.”

Beyond helping parents keep their kid dry and comfortable, this baby gear can also keep track of how many diapers will be needed for the upcoming month based on past habits.

At this time, the Huggies TweetPee is being test marketed to Brazilian customers, but The Kimberly-Clark Corporation, the owner of the Huggies brand, hasn’t announced any plans to roll out the TweetPee in North America. In addition, Ogilvy Brazil hasn’t announced the availability of the TweetPee sensor or the price on the device.



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