Say Hello to Sugru – the (Super Glue, Flubber, Duct Tape?) of the Future
Got a gadget that needs fixed, a handle that's rubbing you the wrong way, or just an urge to play with the adult equivalent of Play-doh? Get yourself some Sugru ($10-$20). Sugru is derived from the Irish word for "play" (isúgradh), and this exciting new self-setting modeling clay/super glue forms a lasting bond between a variety of materials, and cures to a tough silicone overnight, making it weatherproof, flexible, and generally indestructible.
Developed by a team of product designers and material scientists, sugru's patented technology is unique in its combination of hand-formability, self-adhesion and flexibility when cured. It feels like modelling clay, and it's that easy to use too. Once cured, its durable properties mean it's comfortable in extreme environments from the dishwasher to the ocean in Antarctica.
If I appear to be enthusiastic, I am. From repairing broken cables and to fixing a loose heel before a big new business pitch, Sugru is probably one of my favorite products we keep on hand at our Charlotte marketing agency. The product has grown by mostly word of mouth, and serves as a beautiful case study for other makers and inventors who have a product that serves a niche market. Over half their customers are in the US, so they recently set up a Michigan base to fulfill North American orders. This has also allowed them to begin supplying US-based retailers including some of the more famous DIY supply sites like Inventables, Makerbot and Sparkfun.