The supply chain industry is rapidly changing, and we harnessed that energy.
As the nation’s top material handling, logistics, and supply chain association, MHI puts on one of the world’s biggest tradeshows every two years. Modex brings the industry’s best minds together to discover, exchange, and interact with revolutionary equipment, technology and ideas.
Their biennial challenge is to attract quality exhibitors and attendees from the Fortune 1000, while creating the kind of energy on the show floor that encourages dynamic networking and repeat attendance.
Because people and their interactions with one another are what makes Modex great, we developed a testimonial-based theme to profile a diverse set of individuals and their experiences at the show. This was seamlessly applied to the entire continuum of touch points before, during and after the show – leading to a 20% jump in attendance.
What We Delivered
Research and Strategy Creative Concepts Photography Environmental Graphics Brochures and Direct Mail Digital Advertising Print Advertising