Social Media Thanks Moms
We live in a society of social media. It’s how we get our news and entertainment. It’s how we stay in touch with friends and family. And it’s become a part of our career progression and, at times, regression. There are currently over 1,310,000,000 active Facebook accounts with over 640,000,000 minutes being spent on Facebook each month. So it’s no wonder that more people are aware of a viral YouTube cat video than a worldwide catastrophe. Or that some people know more about Kim Kardashian than Crimea. Our Charlotte Ad agency knows the value of social media, and we believe that when done right, it can be very powerful. But, of course, when done wrong – it can be an epic failure with devastating results.
This Charlotte marketing agency also knows, however, that sometimes it really is just good lighthearted fun. Which is why, even though Mother’s Day is still two weeks away, we’re happy to continue the progression of this successful viral video. With over 15.7 million views on youtube, coming in second on the Viral Video Chart and a constant social media presence, you’ve most likely at least heard about it. Take a few minutes and watch, because really, who doesn’t appreciate Mom?