charlotte marketing agency

London Calling …

... with breaking news and innovation from some of the world's foremost retail experts.

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This week a few lucky members of our Charlotte marketing agency’s retail practice group will be attending one of the world’s largest retail trade fairs across the pond in London – the Retail Design Expo.

This exciting European show is chock full of the latest and greatest from some of the world’s biggest retail designers, retail marketers, and visual merchandisers. Check out the breadth of exhibitors here. Alongside keynote speeches and panel discussions, the UK’s most forward-thinking retail trend setters will be presenting some of their own work and revealing how they have helped brands and retailers stay ahead of the curve by delivering innovative solutions to the most complex problems facing retail today.

And with global retail estimated to reach $28 trillion in 2020 (source: Planet Retail), we hope to leave the 2016 Retail Design Expo feeling very upbeat about the future of retail and the fun, relevant, and engaging ways brands can now interact with shoppers.

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