Charlotte Marketing Agencies Get To Test Their Packaging Design Skills. And Drink Beer.
At retail, packaging is your last and best chance to make a sale.
For a lot of craft brands, innovative packaging becomes the default marketing strategy – especially when marketing budgets are tight. And in the world of craft brewery, uniqueness is inherent to the category, which means excellent packaging has become par for the course. With so many options for the thirsty consumer to choose from, aspiring zymurgists have to really get creative with label design and packaging technologies to stand out at the shelf.
Now, Charlotte marketing agencies have a chance to combine a passion for both craft beer and design by participating in AIGA’s second annual Beer & Branding contest, which makes its triumphant return this summer on July 16.
In collaboration with Noda Brewing Company, participating designers will work with local home brewing clubs to create, brew, and design a branding package based on a secret brewing ingredient. The objective of this showcase is to inspire the local beer and design community with a good quaff and an integrated branding package, all while keeping in mind the following aspects: the beer style, the secret ingredient (TBD), the local culture, and the community.
Beers will be judged by a select panel of discriminating tipplers beforehand, while all branding packages will be featured at the Brewer and Designer Showcase at Noda Brewing Company. At that time, the winning beer project will also be announced, then released as part of the brewery’s popular Nodable Series. So sign up soon and show the local creative class what you can do with a cold one.